My Story with Volleyball, Depression, and New Beginnings

My Story with Volleyball, Depression, and New Beginnings

Nani finally reached her goal of being a division one, full-ride volleyball athlete. However, she was sad, isolated, and trapped in her depression. It wasn’t until she left her college and began a journey of healing during an internship with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, that she truly began to understand and believe the truths that God said about her. Read her story of seeking healing HERE.

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Finding My Identity When I Transferred Universities

Finding My Identity When I Transferred Universities

Syracuse University softball player, Bryce Holmgren used to be a major people pleaser. She lost her identity because she was trying to be everything for everyone else. But one day when she decided to transfer from Western Kentucky, she said a prayer that began the biggest change of her life. Read what happened here!

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Learning to Lead with Love

Learning to Lead with Love

Sierra Christopher, Trinity Christian College soccer alum, never knew what truly made up a good leader. She always thought it was the most put together teammate, or the girl who was the best player on the field. However, a college teammate radically changed her perspective by the way she lead by serving. By her senior year, Sierra became a leader she never dreamed of becoming! Read all about it here!

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